lockers? ( ) Is breakfast/supper included? ( ) What time is breakfast/supper? ( ) Please clean my room. ( ) Can you suggest another hotel? ( ) Do you have a safe? ( ). a TV? ( ) May I see the room first? Mi save lukluk lo room fastaem?( ) Mi sae lukim room yah fasteam? Do you have anything quieter? ( ) You garem anything lelebet quiet. a bathroom? toilet? Tap fo swim? ( shower).

Lodging Do you have any rooms available? Yu garem ani room fo slip? How much is a room for one person/two people? Hao mas fo wanfala room for wan/tu pipol? Does the room come with. How much does it cost to get to _? Haomas for kasem lo _? Take me there, please.

( ) intersection ( ) north ( ) south ( ) east ( ) west ( ) uphill ( ) downhill ( ) Taxi Taxi! ( ) Take me to _, please. ( ) left (left) right (raet) straight ahead ( ) towards the _ ( ) past the _ ( ) before the _ ( ) Watch for the _. sites to see? ( ) Can you show me on the map? Yu save showim mi lo map? street ( ) Turn left. the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate? wan konsulat blo Amerika/Kanada/Astrelia/Yunaeted Kingdom ( ) Where are there a lot of. ( ) Onefa ticket to_ plis Where does this train/bus go? Disfala bus go lo wea( ) Where is the train/bus to _? ( ) Does this train/bus stop in _? Bae disfala bus stap lo( ) When does the train/bus for _ leave? ( ) When will this train/bus arrive in _? Wataem bae bus kasem lo (hia) _? Directions How do I get to _ ? Hao nao mi save kasem _?. ) Can I use your phone? Mi save usim phone blo yu? ( ?) Numbers 0 siro ( ) 1 wan ( ) 2 tu ( ) 3 tri ( ) 4 foa ( ) 5 faev ( ) 6 siks / sikis ( ) 7 seven ( ) 8 eit ( ) 9 naen ( ) 10 ten ( ) 11 leven ( ) 12 tuel ( ) 13 tirtin ( ) 14 fotin ( ) 15 fiftin ( ) 16 sikstin ( ) 17 seventin ( ) 18 eitin ( ) 19 naentin ( ) 20 tuenti ( ) 21 tuenti wan ( ) 22 tuenti tu ( ) 23 tuentu tri ( ) 30 teti ( ) 40 foti ( ) 50 fifti ( ) 60 siksti ( ) 70 seventi ( ) 80 eiti ( ) 90 naenti ( ) 100 handred ( ) 200 tu handred ( ) 300 tri handred ( ) 1,000 taosen ( ) 2,000 tu taosen ( ) 1,000,000 million ( ) 1,000,000,000 ( ) 1,000,000,000,000 ( ) number _ (train, bus, etc.) ( ) half ( ) less ( ) more ( ) Time now distaem ( ) later afta ( ) before bifo morning mone / moningtaem afternoon aftanun (afta-n-oo-n) evening ivining night naet / naet taem Clock time one o'clock AM ( ) two o'clock AM ( ) noon ( ) one o'clock PM ( ) two o'clock PM ( ) midnight ( ) Duration _ minute(s) ( ) _ hour(s) ( ) _ day(s) ( ) _ week(s) ( ) _ month(s) ( ) _ year(s) ( ) Days today (tude) yesterday ( ) tomorrow ( ) this week ( ) last week ( ) next week ( ) Sunday ( ) Monday ( ) Tuesday ( ) Wednesday ( ) Thursday ( ) Friday ( ) Saturday ( ) Months January Januari February Februari March Mas April Epril / Eprol / Eprolo May Mei June Jun July Julai August Ogast / Ogas September Septemba October Oktoba November Novemba December Disemba Writing time and date Colors black (blak) white (waet) gray ( ) red ( ) blue (blu) yellow ( ) green ( ) orange ( ) purple ( ) brown ( ) Transportation Bus and train How much is a ticket to _? ( ) How much na ticket fo.? One ticket to _, please. ) Me lusim basket blo me I lost my wallet. Yu save helpm mi? (literally Can you help me?) It's an emergency. Police! Polis! ( !) Stop! Thief! Stop! Beliga! I need your help. ( u go.) (leavim me alone!) Don't touch me! ! ( no Touchem me !) I'll call the police. ( ) Mi no understandim/ Mi no gettim Where is the toilet? Wea na toilet/loo? ( ?) Problems Leave me alone. ( ) Good night ( to sleep) gudnaet bae mi go fo slip. Mi no save hao fo spikim Pijin Do you speak English? Iu save inglish? ( ?) Is there someone here who speaks English? Aniwan lo hia save hao fo spikim Inglis? Help! Help ! ( !) Look out! luk aot ! ( !) Good morning. ( ) Goodbye Gutbae Goodbye ( informal) Lukim iu. ( begging pardon) Excuse mi/ Sorry missus/sir.
#Pidgin language driver
Also used to tell a bus driver to stop) You’re beautiful. Tagio Tumas / Thank iu ( ) You're welcome. (Me olrite, thankyou/ taigo ) What is your name? Hu nao nem blong yu? ( ?) My name is _. ( ) How are you? Iu hao? / Hao na iu? Fine, thank you. OPEN CLOSED ENTRANCE EXIT PUSH PULL TOILET MEN WOMEN FORBIDDEN

If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase. Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. Pronunciation guide Vowels a like 'a' in "father" e like 'a' in "baby" i like 'ee' in "week" o like 'oa' in "boat" u like 'oo' in "moon" Consonants Common diphthongs Phrase list Pijin is the main language of the Solomon Islands.